Green choice, green luxury.
Philosophy - Our ingredients
The symphony of our ingredients
The aromatherapy has the origin in the natural medicine as much curative as preventive.
From the beginning, our philosophy made us use active and functional ingredients from nature’s garden. Mother Earth offers powerful tools that must be dosed and mixed with wisdom.
Nevertheless they are natural, it is possible that they create undesired effects; during our long lasting experience we can assure that practically no advice of adverse event has been reported.
To give functionality to our products we use selected vegetable extracts and, when possible, in pharmaceutical quality, vitamins, amino acids, minerals and peptides.
Emulsions, gels, oils and masks has been created to offer a very large acceptability and skin supportability which are very similar to our natural hydro-lipidic skin protection.
In addition, the finished products can be personalized by adding our synergy of essential oils Dermarôme Suprême.
Water containing products need preservations; during the years we realized a balance of minimum necessary quantity of preservative effectuated by products that are compatible with all certification labels for organic products.